Developed by Warhorse Studios and achieved with CRYENGINE, Kingdom Come: Deliverance launches worldwide today and will immerse players in an epic story-driven open-world RPG set during the most dramatic and dangerous times of the Holy Roman Empire.
Playing as Henry, son of a blacksmith, gamers will be plunged into the chaos of a raging civil war as different factions fight for the future of medieval Bohemia. Players will meet real historical characters, experience the authentic look and feel of the Middle Ages, and master a groundbreaking, realistic combat system on their journey. Featuring a massive world filled with majestic castles, vast battlefields, and more, all rendered in stunning high-end graphics, player actions will influence the reactions of those around them as they develop their character, solve quests in multiple ways, and face the consequences of their decisions.
Crytek and CRYENGINE send congratulations to everyone at Warhorse Studios on the release of the game. Gamers can check out the stunning launch trailer, showcasing the beauty, danger, and adventure, based on a true story, presented by Kingdom Come: Deliverance below.